Berks Ref’s Relay

Well, it’s been a while, and the scheduled start of pre-season fitness training has come and gone, but we are hopeful that things are moving in the right direction and as soon as we get a green light from the RFU for groups larger than 6 to train together, and we have a clearer picture of when the actual rugby season might start, we will do everything we can to get some organised fitness sessions up and running again. But in the meantime, in a bid to distract from the monotony and to give us something we can do ‘together’, if only virtually – as well as raise some cash for a good cause – we’d like to invite you to take part in our upcoming “Berks Refs Relay” The idea is that, during the week from Monday 6th to Sunday 12th July, each member that decides to take part (and family-members too, if they want to join in!)logs* as many km/miles as they can cover by self-propelled means – whether running, cycling, swimming (or even paddle-boarding, Bily!)- and we’ll see how far we can go, collectively. We’re also suggesting that everyone that takes part, donates something (£5, or whatever you deem appropriate) to support the RFU Injured Players Foundation via a JustGiving page: How far you cover is obviously up to you, but here’s some food for thought: We average 6-8km per game, so you could try to cover that distance Alternatively, it is 74km from Hungerford (our most westward club) to Windsor (our most eastward), and 140km if you visited every club in between (including Lightwater and Henley) So, let’s see how many ‘matches’ we can run, or clubs we can ‘visit’, collectively and virtually, over the course of the week… Ideally distances travelled should be logged on a suitable tracking device/app and then photo’d/screenshot and emailed to someone (TBC)** who will collate the totals covered by each member and by what means and give a running total through the week – there are no prizes for the most miles, other than bragging rights! **Any volunteers to take on this collation/coordination role? – if you’re willing, please let me know asap!