Referee Expenses

Ref Expenses Claims 2022

Click on the image above to download the latest expenses form.

For all travel members are entitled to claim from the Society all reasonable public transport fares incurred. Where a private car is used, a rate of £0.45 per mile may be claimed from their Home or the County Boundary and return. In exceptional cases, the reasonable cost of overnight accommodation (maximum £60.00) may also be claimed..

When a member is appointed to an Exchange Fixture in another County, mileage to and from his/her Home address can be claimed regardless of County boundaries etc.

Referees that reside outside of Berkshire are reminded that expenses are paid ONLY from the County boundary to & from a point agreed by the Society Treasurer.

Members considering making an overnight stay when on a long distance Exchange should discuss their intentions with the Appointments Secretary and/or Treasurer. Claims should be submitted within one month to the Treasurer, using the official Claims Form. Claims must include receipts for all fares and accommodation.

Expenses claimed for any given month must be submitted no later than the end of the following month. Failure to do so will result in the expenses NOT being paid.

e.g. September expenses no later than 31st October; October expenses no later than 30th November etc.

Please send expenses claims to: treasurer@Berkshire Rugby